Boumans Polysterbedrijf

Bouman’s Polyester Company was founded in 1965 by A.M. Boumans.

In the beginning, many parts for trucks (Terberg) were manufactured by the company. In particular roofs, dashboards, fenders, hoods and other small cabin parts. The polycovering of meat trucks on location at various carrosseriebouwers was started. Many polyester floors were also made for livestock trucks.

At the end of 1989 the company was moved in the new building in Nieuwegein, where larger workpieces / products could be manufactured there, especially for yacht building.

Many large conversion companies use products from Boumans Polyester Company, in particular: Terberg Specials, Snoeks and Veth bodywork factory.

The company is also specialized in all kinds of repairs. Bouman’s Polyester is a small and flexible company, where service and quality come first.