Lijmacademie BV

In recent decades, adhesive bonding as a joining technique has undergone a strong development. However, the knowledge surrounding the industrial application of adhesive techniques is very fragmented. This was recognised around 30 years ago by a pioneer in the collection, development and transfer of knowledge in adhesive bonding technology; Germany’s Fraunhofer IFAM. For example, they took the initiative to develop a person-certification structure analogous to that for welding techniques. More recently Fraunhofer IFAM developed a person-certification structure for Fiber Reenforced Plastics as well. Lijmacademie is cooperation partner of Fraunhofer IFAM in Netherlands and Belgium and after successful introduction of adhesive bonding technology in the last 10 years, now anticipates to introduce the FRP training and certification structure as well.

Lijmacademie operates a laboratory for research and training in adhesive bonding technology in Rijen and considers to further extend their capabilities and facilities in the field of FRP processing.