
CompositesNL represents the interests of all organisations in the Netherlands that are involved in the development, manufacture, maintenance, and reuse of products in which composite technology has played a part.

CompositesNL does this by promoting the use of composite products, by expanding their applications and improving their acceptance. Composite products have value to offer society, for the corporate sector, government authorities and consumers alike.

Composites have many opportunities in growing with applications in various sectors and markets and CompositesNL has the ambition to optimally apply these growth opportunities for its members. Innovation, research, education and the labor market, quality, environment, information and information are interconnecting themes. For example, the association is affiliated with the European association EuCia and there is good cooperation with neighboring countries Germany and Belgium.

Composite products have added value for society, both for companies, governments and consumers. CompositesNL aims to stimulate the use of composite products, to increase application and to improve acceptance. To achieve this goal, CompositesNL is active in four areas;


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