JointForce Group
“Together you achieve more”, this credo unites the operating companies of the JointForce Group. Pas Panelen, KomCo and JointForce Development often work closely together. That makes sense, because the products and services complement each other seamlessly, even though the companies operate independently at the base.
Pas Panelen is changing the world of sandwich panels. Sustainable innovation and far-reaching customer service play a crucial role. In the production halls in Stolwijk and Bergambacht, Pas Panelen produces its sandwich panels entirely according to its customers’ wishes. Pas Panelen processes both thermoset and thermoplastic raw materials. A large and advanced CNC milling machine can finish the panels with unprecedented precision.
KomCo assembles strong, lightweight and maintenance-free composite constructions. Pas Panelen’s sandwich panels usually form the basis for those constructions. Applications range from prefab housing modules and prefab bathrooms to containers for AdBlue tanks.
JointForce Development is a dynamic development and construction company. Besides its own projects, JointForce Development also provides transport, assembly and installation of the prefabricated modules.
JointForce Group believes in using composites for numerous applications. Want to get further acquainted or work together? If so, please contact commercial director Karel van den Heuvel.