CompositesNL present during JEC World 2020!

23 January 2020

This year, CompositesNL is again present with (a part of) their members JEC World 2020 from 3 t/m 5 March with a NL pavilion.

Companies present at the NL Pavilion:
✔️ Aniform Engineering
✔️ AutomotiveNL
✔️ Brightlands Materials Center
✔️ Cato Composites B.V.
✔️ Donkervoort Automobielen
✔️ DSM
✔️ Dutch Thermoplastic Components (DTC)
✔️ Fontijne Presses
✔️ Indupol International
✔️ KVE Composites Group
✔️ Nouryon
✔️ Plasthill BV
✔️ Polyworx
✔️ Robusta Tapes
✔️ Technology Park Ypenburg
✔️ Wageningen University & Research

? Supported by: Holland High Tech & Holland Chemistry ?

?Hall 5, Booth E80/E82

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